How To Find The Right Piano Teacher If You Are An Adult Learner

If you are an adult learner and you are thinking about taking piano lessons in San Jose, you might be wondering “How do I find the right teacher for me as an adult student?”

Finding the right piano teacher might not be easy, if you don’t know where to start, but here’s something to help you out.

What are your goals?

This is the most important question. Most adult learners have limited time when it comes to learning to play an instrument. Do you want to play classical music? Or are you gravitated towards blues and gospel music? Or perhaps you just want to be able to accompany yourself and your friends to sing and play. If all you want to do is accompany yourself or your family to sing and play, then you don’t want a teacher that teaches only classical music. 

Or maybe you want to be able to play a variety of music. 

You’ll also want to consider the practice time requirement. Playing classical music at an advanced level requires many hours of tedious practice of technique and sight reading. It’s not unusual for someone to dedicate a minimum of two to four hours of practice everyday for years to achieve this goal. If this is what you are after, then you want to find a teacher who specializes in this approach.

I’m willing to bet that for most adult learners this is out of the question.

So make sure you are clear on your goals. Once you’ve done that, you’ll want to find a teacher who has the following qualities and requirements. 

Qualities of a Good Piano Teacher

A good piano teacher has the following qualities:

  • Inspires students to be better. Besides giving instructions, a good piano teacher will encourage students to love the piano. They are passionate and will pass on their passion to their students.
  • A good piano teacher is great at teaching. They are patient, will give manageable work, and will transfer knowledge appropriately. They know how to communicate well.
  • A good piano teacher provides value. A valuable teacher can impact your life and musical journey.

External Factors of Picking a Piano Teacher

When picking a piano teacher, consider the following factors to help make your decision easier:

  • Location – convenience is a huge point for piano lessons. However, sometimes, you may have to compromise proximity to find a good teacher. Some teachers offer online lessons and some offer both.
  • Price – the cheapest teacher is not always the best. Figure out what teachers charge and select the one with the best service and value, even if it will cost you a little more. Think in terms of value-based lessons instead time-based lessons. It will be worth it.
  • Experience – find a teacher who has experience teaching and playing the piano. More than that, a good teacher is someone who continuously tries to improve their teaching skills.
  • Chemistry – find out the teacher’s style of teaching. This will help you determine if the teacher and you have chemistry.
  • Method – finally, ensure that the method they teach is exactly what you are looking for. There are many methods around and you’ll want to choose the one appropriate for you.

If you are looking for a value-centered teacher who delivers a non-traditional way of learning how to play the piano, consider For the Love of Piano Studio. We teach a breakthrough piano method that allows students of all ages play great sounding songs immediately from their first lessons. Call us at (408) 641-9926 or sign up for a Free Introductory Session by clicking on the button below.

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