music and the adult brain

The Brain Of An Adult Piano Student

An adult student's brain is just like that of a child student except for a few differing factors. This is not to say that adult students can’t learn how to play the piano. They actually have great potential to learn like children, too.  Here we discuss the brain of an adult piano student.

Adults can possibly be faster learners than kids. But as an adult student, there are a few things you need to be prepared for as you take up your musical journey. Consider the differences.

Difference between Child and Adult Students

There are a few key differences between these two types of students based on how they think and feel. Some are advantageous, while others pose a challenge to the learning process.

  • Children work better with positive reinforcement - when young students are given positive reinforcement from their teachers, they think they have actually done a great job. Adults, on the other hand, are better at self-evaluation. Positive reinforcement to adults is less of a motivating factor.
  • Kids are comfortable playing the same song repeatedly while adults are not - children are comfortable playing the same music at every piano lesson because they are generally more patient. On the other hand, adults get easily frustrated and bored with playing the same thing repeatedly.
  • Kids have parents to help them while adults are often self-motivated - kids have the advantage of parents helping them with their schedule and reminding them to practice. Adults have to be self-driven and create intentional practice time.
  • Kids are used to making mistakes and trying again while adults are not - children are not perfect piano players at first because they lack experience. Therefore, they are used to failing, then trying, then failing again, and so on. Adults, on the other hand, tend to avoid what they are generally not good at. The more they fail, the less willing they are to keep trying.
  • Children listen to simple songs while adults listen to complex songs - many times, children will achieve their goals faster because the songs they listen to and play are easy. Adults take lessons in hopes to learn complex music immediately, which can be harder to learn and perfect.
  • Kids are easily impressed while adults are easily frustrated - when a child plays a group of notes correctly, they are happy because it sounds similar to the song. Adults get frustrated and will not be impressed unless it sounds exactly like the recording.

With the right teacher, it is possible to learn how to play the piano and play for a lifetime as an adult.  If you are an adult who has always dreamed of playing, consider piano lessons at For the Love of Piano Studio.  Find out more how you can experience the joy of playing like you’ve always desired.